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Contact Us

Strada Nordului 2-4, 600240, Bacău, Romania. (GPS: Introduces: Strada Bucovinei 4, Bacău)

Alongside customers

#HostelHolland#HostelBacau#cazareBacau We want to be almost throughout 2020 with our customers, sending them a little attention that reminds them of their time. On this occasion we thank them for trusting the hotel services offered by Hostel Holland. We wish you a new year full of accomplishments on all plans and we look forward to you coming back to us. #ZublinRomânia #AsociatiaGutenberg #Pentagon #DelacoDistribution #AsociatiaCulturalaPentruIstorieVie

 #CSSSfGheorghe #FederatiaRomanadeKarting 

#ViaDaca #AsociatiaFilmMaiAproape #Orinro

Guest Review Awards 2018

The year 2019 started with amazing news for us! Thanks to your appreciation. We are among the winners of the Guest Review Awards 2018, the annual program through which the platform Booking.com Recognises the most popular hotel services around the world. Thank you for your confidence and we promise to offer you and this year qualitative services at advantageous prices!

2019 Begint met Goed Nieuws voor ons! The Door uw beoordelingen are wij een van de winnaars van de Guest Review Awards 2018, Het jaarprogramma Waarmee Booking.com by Meest Gewaardeerde Hoteldiensten over by Hele Wereld Erkent. Bedankt voor uw vertrouwen, ook dit jaar bieden we kwaliteit tegen voordelige Prijzen!


Hostel Holland 3rd place of 16

At the beginning of the year, Booking brings us good news. Thanks to your appreciation, we are ranked 3rd of 16 hotels in Bacău. Thank you and we welcome you to pass us the threshold and in the year that has just begun!

Most faithful customer 2018

The other day was a year since Alexander, our client, made the decision to live with us! The Hostel team thanked them for their choice and appreciated the consistency that it has shown.